Extended Care
2024-2025 Academic Year
Extended Care for the 2024-2025 academic year will begin on Monday, August 19th.
Extended Care offers age-appropriate active-play activities, including art projects, games, puzzles, playground time, and other fun activities, providing after-school care until 5:30 for students enrolled at St. James. They are also provided a snack and given time to complete homework assignments.
Students can be signed up for full-time (up to five days per week) or part-time (one or two days per week).
Families are provided with three Extended Care options:
Option A: Full Time Extended Care provides after school care Monday through Friday until 5:30. Students can enroll for the entire year or by semester. The cost is $725 per semester plus registration fee.
Option B: Part Time Extended Care provides after school care two days a week until 5:30 (students enroll for specific days of the week). Students can enroll for the entire year or by semester. The cost is $325 per semester plus registration fee.
Option C: Drop In Extended Care can be utilized by families not registered for Extended Care, but who need occasional after school care. To take advantage of this service, please email the Extended Care Director (extendedcare@stjameseds.org) in advance so that she can prepare accordingly. The cost is $25 per day for Drop In Extended Care regardless of the amount of time spent in Extended Care. Students who are not picked up by 3:25 in carpool will be brought to Extended Care.
Click HERE to register now.
Extended Care Policies

- Student pick-up is conducted from the Pelican’s Nest entrance on 5th Street.
- Names of people other than the student’s parents or guardians must be on file with the office in order for that person to pick up your child. They must provide a driver’s license at the time of pick up.
- Extended Care is not provided on early dismissal days. We MAY offer Extended Care for an additional cost if there is enough interest. If offered, there will be an additional fee.
- All students must be picked up from Extended Care by 5:30pm. After 5:30, a late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged until 5:45. At 5:45, families will be charged an additional $30.00 every 15 minutes. Charges will appear on your student account.
Lagniappe Offerings
These optional after-school offerings give families access to additional experiences right here on our campus. Lagniappes offer students opportunities in sports, academics, and the arts. Lagniappe offerings are announced through our weekly email newsletter, The St. James Scoop, and also sent home through backpack mail.
Whatever your child’s interest, there’s a fun and rewarding after-school experience waiting for them at St. James! For more information about Lagniappe registration, please contact Nicole Pinson (npinson@stjameseds.org).