A Faith-Based Education
Our spiritual education reinforces the God-given dignity and individuality of each child as expressed through the Anglican tradition and includes weekly religion classes for each grade, twice-weekly chapel services, and spiritual education and support from our school chaplain, Mother Lynn Hooks.
Students are involved in each chapel service by reading lessons and leading prayers, serving as ushers and acolytes, and performing music.
Our Core Belief
Episcopal schools ground their commitment to our students and community in our promise as Christians to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself. We strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.
As Episcopal schools, we also are the beneficiaries of a strong intellectual tradition, characterized by questioning and probing further into the ideals and beliefs that ground us.
Our tradition at St. James is one of graciousness, generosity, and humility—we do not possess all of the answers, and we are eager to learn from each other. A sense of belonging is essential to creating a strong, welcoming climate at our school that promotes learning and prepares our students for their futures.
We pledge to respect the dignity of every human being, including how we differ from one another, as well as how we share a common humanity and reflect the image of God. It serves as a guide to our daily need to act with compassion, love and integrity.
The St. James Parish Family
The parish family of St. James Episcopal Church stands ready to support our school to enrich the spiritual formation of students and their families. We hold services in the Episcopal tradition twice a week, where all students and their families are welcome to participate.

St. James Church
St. James warmly welcomes ALL people and we look forward to personally greeting you if you choose to visit us.
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