I am the Day School Chaplain.
You will find me walking the halls of the day school, and sometimes in the Christian Education classroom assisting our Christian Education Teacher. You’ll see me planting flowers and herbs in our gardens with the children, and in chapel. Throughout the year, the school has different outreach programs that have involved collecting canned goods for the hungry, collecting school supplies for schools that may have fewer resources than we do, and finding ways to help others. I find my job to be a wonderful gift from God. To be able to see these wonderful children, day after day, is a true joy.
Rev. Ralph Howe, Day School ChaplainBi-weekly Services
Deepening a strong and active faith is an integral component of our child development philosophy. We provide our students with a weekly religion class for each grade and offer clergy involvement with our staff and students, including an assigned Day School chaplain.
We hold services in the Episcopal tradition twice a week, where all students and their families are welcome to participate. Students are involved in each service by reading lessons and leading prayers, serving as ushers and acolytes, and music is presented by each week’s hosting grade.
Christian Education at St. James
The parish family of St. James Episcopal Church stands ready to support our school to enrich the spiritual formation of students and their families.
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